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The Truth Has Two Faces — and counting

October 6, 2012

Let’s take a scenario and evaluate the details from two perspectives.  Here’s our scenario.  A potential customer goes to a business and discusses the customer’s project.  The business offers to help with a specific aspect of the project.  The customer hires the business to perform a specific task.  A dollar amount (let’s say $500) and a due date for performance of the specific task is agreed on.  Money changes hands.  The due date comes and goes, and nothing happens.  The customer contacts the business and demands to know what’s going on.  The business replies with a rash of emails over a period of weeks and things go nowhere.

Eventually the customer has had enough and becomes insistent that the task be performed or payment will be cancelled.  The business responds with a kind of emotional “freak out” and somehow becomes a victim in the equation and arbitrarily raises the price of the task to $2000.  Correspondence from the business becomes personal and ugly to the customer.  The customer informs the business that the relationship is over and cancels the original $500 payment.  The business responds by filing a lien on the customer’s property for $2500 and threatens to smear the reputation of the customer’s husband’s business unless the bill is paid.  The lien is finally removed months after the original interaction after the customer gives the business a few hundred bucks.  In the end, the customer is unhappy and the business is, in some strange way, satisfied with the outcome.

Let’s take a look inside the minds of the involved parties and see what we can find.  The customer entered into the relationship with a very simple and specific issue that needed to be addressed, and entered into the relationship with good intentions.  Why else would they enter the relationship?  It makes no logical sense that they would do anything different.  There is zero evidence to support any claim that the goal posts were moved a bit after the original project was spec’d out.

Next, let’s look into the mind of the business and see where they stand after everything is said and done.  They feel as if they were the victim because the client forced the business to take all of the actions that were taken, and in the process wasted valuable time.  After all, the business was the party that was put in the position where they had to write threatening emails, create an additional bill and file a lien on the customer’s property in order to get satisfied.

How can that possibly make any sense?  Something exists in the mind of the business where the actions they took were essentially demanded of them.  How can any business survive when their business plan revolves around teaching their customers some sort of psycho hard lessons instead of making the customer happy?

Why would a business go to these extremes for such a small amount of money?  One would think that they would look at the situation and say, “This is trivial.  It’s a small world and I need to have good relationships with my customers, as my reputation is paramount.  I need to either fix this or end it as amicably as possible, as soon as possible so everybody is happy.”  That didn’t happen, though.  Not even close.

The question remains, “Why?”

There can only be two possible answers to this question.  Either we’re talking about a business person that is inherently evil and gets off by making customer’s lives hell, or we’re talking about a business person that is suffering from some form of deep psychotic mental condition — and a complicated one at that.  How could a business person become emotionally offended and react with such rage like this?  What could possibly trigger this response?  It appears to be much more than a simple case of paranoia and goes beyond being dysfunctional.  We’re talking about an area of Narcissistic Personality Disorder here that has been combined with PTSD.  From the Transactional Analysis perspective, we’re talking about a person that thrives in the Drama Triangle (Victim, Rescuer, Persecutor) and plays all roles as needed, ultimately ending up in the victim role.  Clearly the stimulus of this behavior happened a long time ago.

It appears that there is a deep psychological need for it to happen on the part of the business.  This is not about business.  This is about a deep emotional pain that requires that a person do everything in their power to make sure that a crisis situation develops and that it is then dealt with as severely as possible.  The strange part is that the business actively seeks situations for this game to be played out, over and over again.  And it doesn’t matter who is on the other end, either.  Even family are fair game.  The only thing that is required is for the game to be “on” — and the starting position is always that of the Rescuer.  This is where the confidence of the customer is secured.  This was repeated throughout the trial and from numerous other sources.

It is difficult to know exactly what caused this psychological phenomenon.  However, does the solution involve imprisonment for multiple years?  Do we not have compassion in this situation?  Are we all above dealing with people that have mental problems?  After all, they certainly do exist.  The fact that this case ended up in the Justice System is highly problematic.  They are clearly not equipped to handle this problem.  The fact that it took three years to get it through a trial proves this point.

Even the judge in this case has noted that Shawnee Ryan has mental problems.  The DA does not dispute that, and in fact has taken advantage of the situation by mocking Shawnee during trial and insinuating that she may be nuts, but not that nuts.  The Judge needs to ask if this is a disturbed defendant who better belongs in a safe mental institution rather than in a prison where she will only be made to indure greater mental suffering.

As always, your comments are welcome.  Is she evil, mentally ill, or?

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  1. Give me a break here. permalink

    Shawnee is surrounded by rich, excessive spending egoists, who are all expressing their greed and opulence right in her face, and she wants that, too, but because of her mental illness she cannot stop herself from screwing these bad people over and stealing from them. She could not help herself, and her mental illness should be an excuse for her technical acts of crime. Shawnee is caught in a web of excesses and her mental issues are something that needs help. Punishing her by putting her in a jail cell for years is not the answer.

  2. Stop the Insanity! permalink

    The only person who needs mental help in this mess is the writer of the crap on this blog. What is being said here is insulting to our District Attorney and Judge. The victims deserve better. Something should be done about it.

  3. Anonymous permalink

    She cannot stop herself from screwing these bad people”. Never heard of customers of being “bad” people.

    Bad people? What makes them bad?….Your opinion of people you have never met? Those people? You mean the victims of SR? Her customers?
    Poor Ryan could not help herself. What a fricking lame ass excuse that one is, and it actually came from your brain.
    It is one thing to have an understanding of the perpetrator it is another to blame the victims because they wanted to purchase items from her store. Is that the best excuse you got for her?
    Ryan opened her store front to??? It is not like Ryan forced customers to come in to her store I suppose, got me on that one. Ryan did not go onto the side walk and pull people in physically. Okay I get your point now. It is the customers fault for walking in the store. Can’t believe I missed that scenario. So glad to have you point out that very important missing piece of this puzzle.
    Like I have said before you cannot make this stuff up.
    Would you feel the same way if you could have been lucky enough to be a victim of Ryan’s or maybe one of your family members?
    Here I have a scenario for you.
    Say you husband goes in to check on an order he placed with Ryan that was supposed to be here weeks ago but still no order. Ryan has a large deposit from this customer. He physically went in to her store because she would not return his calls. This is what Ryan said to him;
    “You have little kids right? You keep F_ _ king with me and I will go to social services and say I saw you molesting them”.

    Yep I can see where these customers deserve exactly what they got from Ryan. I’d even bet you these rich bastards deserved every threat, ever scam, every lie every manipulation of deceit she threw their way. Those stupid customers who do they think they are anyway coming in to my store expecting me to help them? What a bunch of idiots!
    Kind of fits in with your pathetic comment.

  4. Wake Up! permalink

    The sooner this case is over with, this POS is in prison, and this idiot blog is shut down, the better off Glenwood Springs will be. This has got to stop, one way or another people.

  5. Long Time Local permalink

    Almost all of the people in this town are good and decent, work hard and live honorable lives. Most of us have lived here all of our lives and so did our ancestors. It used to be if you did something bad, you paid for it, and moved on. Not so these days. I really don’t know what’s going on here at all. This woman Shawnee Ryan is not like anyone else I have ever known in Glenwood Springs or anywhere else in our great country either. I can’t understand this whole thing.

    One of my grandkids reads me stories from the internet and he laughs at them. I’m worried. All of this is just crazy and getting worse every day. I wonder if all of this got started by that guy Steve Jobs that everybody loves now. And even before that when kids stopped going to church. Now they don’t even go to school anymore, just stay on this internet. Now look at me, doing the same thing. I’m done with this. We all should be. God Bless.

  6. Anonymous permalink

    There is an outfit that call themselves Global Network; attorneys belong to this from all over the world. One of the attorneys told me that in their system alone they have 350,000 criminals just like Ryan just in the United States alone.
    All playing the system just like Ryan and getting away with whatever they can however they can especially with civil money theft. It is actually easy to get away with now and then.

    The difference between civil and criminal theft;
    If Ryan came to you home and stole the money you have stashed in your sock drawer, you could call the cops have her arrested and put in jail. If Ryan went to a warehouse and took merchandise and put it in her car and drove off with the items you could call the cops and they would arrest her and put her in jail.

    Customers and vendors are considered civil due to the fact the customer wrote Ryan a check for a deposit (or credit card) for a purchase and handed it to her.
    The vendor shipped Ryan product by their choice. Just because Ryan never placed an order for the customers and kept the money or did not pay vendors is not necessarily criminal. That is why it was so difficult to get anyone to listen to us at the police station or the DA’s office. However, there were so many victims they had to at least investigate. What they found was incredible and so very sad.

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